

  • 保险精算学 aids actuarial science majors to be successful in and after college. provides tutoring for the actuarial exams and also vital information about what employers are looking for in actuarial scientists.
  • 美国市场营销协会 hosts events to help students learn to market themselves, 建立人际网络,加强他们的商业技能.
  • 黑人商业学生协会(BBSA) aims to address the professional and academic needs of black business, 市场营销, 金融, and accounting students at NCC and form a community of leaders that shape the future of business.
  • 牛市和熊市金融俱乐部
  • 大学学者荣誉计划 provides high-achieving students the opportunity to expand and demonstrate their knowledge beyond the classroom.
  • DEV131 focus on all kinds of digital work, from software development to digital media. The work spans from academic to commercial projects, inclusively.
  • Ed上升 involves elementary and secondary education students in discussion and analysis of major educational ideas, 趋势和问题.
  • Enactus gives students the opportunity to develop skills through learning, practicing and teaching the principles of free enterprise to others.
  • 创业 & 国际商业组织) allows students to apply previous studies in business-related courses to real-world international entrepreneurial projects.
  • 金融知识俱乐部 promotes financial education within the 中北书院 community. 透过安排研讨会, the club aims to strengthen the understanding of various financial topics. 
  • 取证 is a competitive intercollegiate activity where students gain skills to perform speeches or literature.
  • 健康与运动协会 promotes wellness and supports exercise science majors.
  • 历史俱乐部 provides an atmosphere for students interested in history to gain exposure to the field outside the classroom and establish a network among students with interest in history.
  • 荣誉学生组织 is a community of College Scholars students dedicated to strengthening the community through service, 对话和文学的机会.
  • 看不见的手经济协会 is an organization for students interested in economics. 通过学生参与, IHEA spreads economic awareness and prepares members for a career in economics.
  • 数学俱乐部 是为对数学感兴趣的学生准备的吗, including interacting with mathematicians and providing career information in mathematics.
  • 模拟试验 gives students opportunities to simulate a court trial and compete with teams from other schools while developing speaking, 批判性思维和法律技能.
  • 模拟联合国 is a simulation of the United Nations that aims to educate participants about current events, 国际关系主题, 外交和谈判艺术.
  • NCC组装 creates an open forum for debate for students to talk freely about civil issues, 时事新闻, 以及任何可能产生不同意见的事件.
  • 神经科学俱乐部 unifies future physical and health educators by providing enriching experiences outside the classroom for those interested in the sciences and neuroscience. Members are provided with support and connections.
  • Pre-Health组织 提供信息, resources and opportunities to students who are interested in entering health-related careers such as medicine, 牙科, 物理治疗, 验光, 兽医和足部.
  • 心理学俱乐部 provides an environment for students to gain exposure to the field outside the classroom and network among students with interest in psychology.
  • 海默学生协会 works to preserve and perpetuate Shimer's Academic programming, social traditions and heritage of participatory democracy.
  • SMACS-中北书院 Chapter of Student Affiliates of the American Chemical Society is dedicated to promoting science through fun activities and bonding trips. We want to spread science to the whole student body by providing demonstrations and events where people from all disciplines can come understand and enjoy science through explanation. We want to increase younger student involvement and encourage them to continue with their pursuit of a science degree.
  • 物理与工程专业学生学会 is designed to unite all Physics and Engineering students as well as to provide support from other students and professors on coursework and opportunities such as internships.
  • 社会学与人类学 helps students within these fields learn about career opportunities.
  • 体育管理协会 provides learning experiences and professional development.
  • 学生会计学会 educates members in general business practices and the role of accounting in business.
  • 学生人力资源组 provides networking and human resources programs.
  • Student Members of the American Chemical Society sponsors chemistry-related speakers and trips, as well as social and educational programming.
  • 取景器 seeks to provide professional development for students through a wide array of individual projects, 为校内外客户工作, 工作室的时间, 指导, visits from industry professionals and networking in the community.